Welcome to Anfiq

"The similitude of an organization applying best practices in fundraising for a worthy cause versus one that is just fundraising is like that of someone preparing for an exam versus one who just wings it"

The need for Masjids, Islamic Centres, and Islamic Schools in the West is growing and often the biggest challenge is financing them.  At ANFIQ, we help organizations reach their financial targets by coaching them with the best practices in fundraising, using both online and offline means.

ANFIQ at a Glance
  • A fundraising coaching service
  • Specialized in coaching Masjids, Islamic Centres, and Islamic Schools raise funds for their projects
  • Has its own online crowdfunding platform, but can work with others as well
  • Involved with projects all over the world, particularly in Western countries

Learn more


An upcoming fundraising dinner?

Do you have an upcoming fundraising dinner? Why not turn it into a fundraising campaign! Don't limit your donations to just one evening. Expand your appeal and target those not able to make it to the dinner. If your goal is to raise, for example $100K, you may not be able to raise that whole amount in one evening. You have a much higher chance of reaching your financial target by running a 2 or 3-week campaign that starts off with a fundraising dinner.

A looming payment to make?

Do you have a big payment to make before a specific deadline? Perhaps it's for the closing date of a new property, a contractor bill to pay, or a loan to repay. There are many organizations that have been in a similar situation and have managed to raise enough money to make the payment in time, Alhamdulillah. There is a fundamental principle in fundraising that when applied properly helps greatly in coming out victorious in such bids. The principle is simple, 'Ask and Thy Shall be Given'!

Contact us and see how we can help with these endeavours, bi-ithnillah.