Hold Online Fundraisers
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Helping Canadian charitable organizations acquire funds to
complete their ongoing projects


The increase in Masjids, Islamic Centres, and Islamic Schools in the West has been evident in recent years as a result of a growing Muslim population. When Muslim communities settle in a city, establishing a place to pray in congregation becomes one of its top priorities, followed by starting study circles and eventually full-time schools for members of the community to study their Deen.


At ANFIQ, we provide fundraising coaching for organizations helping them devise effective fundraising campaigns for their projects.

But what is Fundraising Coaching?

Let us first make a distinction between a crowdfunding platform and fundraising coaching.

A crowdfunding platform provides you with the necessary online tools to raise funds online. It could also allow you to do other things such as communicate to donors in mass, track online donor trends, and integrate with social media.

This is all great, but it takes a lot more than a fancy looking platform to convince potential donors to donate. How can you use the nature of giving to your advantage to influence, within comfortable limits, peoples' decision to donate to your cause? How can you have a campaign that reaches far beyond your city's borders? How can your campaign stand out to the extent that people would feel left out if they did not contribute to it?

About our Fundraising Coach

Hossam Amin has been involved in fundraising for Islamic institutions since 2007. He has overseen many multi-million dollar projects, witnessing the key elements that made them succeed in achieving their financial goals. He has developed a rare expertise in the area of fundraising, particularly with Masjids, Islamic Centres, and Islamic Schools, and is now dedicated to helping organizations apply the best practices in fundraising to reach their financial targets in the quickest possible timeframe, bi-ithnillah. Hossam is based in Ottawa, Canada and is available to work with organizations all over the world.

Contact Hossam

A fundraising coach empowers you with the best practices of fundraising based on proven techniques, and uses both online and offline means to help you reach your financial targets in the quickest possible timeframe within your organization's capabilities.

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